Does relational fantasies subvert our search for emotional fulfillment?

3 min readAug 9, 2021

In today’s hangout, we will discuss; how sensual fantasies subverts our attempts towards finding emotional fulfillment?

For humans, it is natural to express love, and love at its core reflects an intrinsic need to fulfill the emotional need. Emotional support does props up the outer achievement and success. Therefore, it becomes quintessential from where do we draw emotional support?

If we fall head over heels in love with someone, it’s better to have a committed relationship than strangling in a series of relational hookups. But, as we march progressively on the path of relationships: the quench for emotional needs falls short of our expectations.

Before we get ahead: let’s see what’s on the flip side of multiple relationships, and if our feelings are is natural towards someone or a group of many, why exercise restrain?

On a psychological level: it is proven people with multiple relationships wallow in guilt consciousness of abusing their emotional and physical state of well-being. While the Gita wisdom cautions us not to lead down the garden path of lust (BG 16.21). Now, let’s be clear that the defining line which separates love from lust is all about intentions.

“Love is solely driven by the intention to serve others, while lust springs from the intention to abuse oneself and others.”

The tinge of lust when mixed with love towards a person — the bond turns into bondage with unprecedented karmic implications. Therefore, emotional need requires to be curated, else the gust of lust and sensual compulsions can blow our efforts for emotional fulfillment into the troubled waters of unrestrained sensual indulgences.

Now you may ask, how this emotional need be curated?

The emotional compulsive states can be quelled; when we strive to raise our emotional perception to a higher state. At this level, we won’t be victimized by sensual propensities within, to plug in the emotional vacuum. Acting on such triggers; creates a silo of memory that fogs our path towards emotional enrichment. While positioning in practices paving the path towards divine consciousness appeases and rejuvenates emotional intelligence (BG 2.65).

Learning: emotional weakness springs from the field of heart, and the sensual satiation at the physical level; is a reflection of stuffing the emotional need- prevents one to act less compulsively.

While, in the subconscious substratum: if we could tweak the compulsive patterns, the way to venture into the world of divinity/spirituality becomes a possibility.

As we meditate on the divine, the culture of emotional inclination towards sensual stimulus rippling and swirling in the heart comes to a state of steady meditativeness. At this stage, the material titillations and the past besetting impressions fail to hook the mind (BG 6.22).

Bottom line: As we curate the desire through meditation, the intrinsic upsurge of emotional needs, precipitously shrinks down. And, our true individuality in relationship with the divine gets firmly established. This relationship floods the shriveled hearts and brings unending and unfathomable inner (emotional) fulfillment.

Let’s reflect:

  1. Does our mind hover over relational shortcuts to quench- emotional needs?
  2. What is the potential downside of sensual fantasies?
  3. How does the intrinsic upsurge of emotional need finds fulfilment?

Until next time…

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Come hangout with us! Let’s find the patterns that predicate our motivations; and, if we can thread it all with wisdom, directed towards a higher purpose.