Are you a speck of dust in the dark space, or a node in the galaxy of consciousness?

2 min readFeb 10, 2022

In todays hangout, we will delve into the borderline of our influence in the world outside and the world within.

We will be taking a leaf out of the philosophical poem, the famous Nirvana Shatakam (Song of Spiritual Awakening) by Shripad Shankaracharya, a prominent theologian in the early 8th century. Wherein, he reflects upon the existence of human beings in relation to the universe. All the verses clearly surface the underlying reality, a reality beyond the physical realm. Shankaracharya emphatically states neither an individual is associated with the physical body nor any of the classifications of the gross matter: like gender, or race, nor the attributes of the self: like ego, or greed and finally nor the self is affected by events like birth and death. Then, who are we? Are we just a speck of dust?

We are more than just a speck of dust. As indestructible life forms –we have experienced the transformations as a toddler to adulthood to old age (BG 2.13). And the amount of influence, we as individuals command in the journey is not worth-less, like a speck of dust. The moment we think of ourselves as a speck of dust without any influence (like situated in the dark space), the proximity to nihilistic and hedonistic tendencies, increases phenomenally. Because we are not answerable to anyone and might as well speculate, to go scot-free for all the conceivably wrong deeds. Certainly, that’s not the case. Whether, we are theist or non-theist, everyone has experienced that we can’t shy away from the repercussions of our actions.

In the words of prominent sociologists, suppose you know 1000 people, and those 1000 people know another 1000. So, you are one person away from a million and two-person away from a billion. That’s how much interconnected we are.

Hence, we are a node in the infinite galaxy of conscious individuals. Further, Gita elucidates that each individual is ultimately part of that conceivably ultimate reality, the Divine (BG 15.7). Therefore, our life matters, and it has to be lived with a greater degree of sanctity.

Incidentally, Shankaracharya calls upon, the awakening of the divinity within, at the end of every verse. The precise reading of such verse implies, owning up responsibility to awaken the godliness, the virtuous side — dormant within. Ask us how? Through aligning our lives to the ideal, say the higher spiritual injunctions. Thus, symbolizing from the outside, taking responsibility for every act, we do; and from the inside it symbolizes, striving towards our true potential, as an inextricable part of the supreme reality. By now it is clear: Why you are not a speck of dust in the dark space, rather a node in the galaxy of consciousness, called upon to act responsibly — ethically and spiritually.

Thanks. Until next time…

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Come hangout with us! Let’s find the patterns that predicate our motivations; and, if we can thread it all with wisdom, directed towards a higher purpose.